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New Moons

Danielle Holmes

Updated: Mar 2, 2022

The bats are out. An orange glow peels across the southern horizon as the sky turns an otherworldly deep periwinkle. The gentle fading into night lays a veil over what's familiar and understood, slowly turning our trust towards other senses that will get us through the darkness. What we know slowly disappears and faith rises.

Today the new moon arrived in Pisces. The purging, releasing and rebirthing- all over again. The invitation to let go and dream big. A calling to move towards harmony and balance. I guess my purging came a week early, at least according to the 2022 moon cycle. My last post left me exposed and vulnerable as I shed some truths in public. (I am a bit quick to the return, after all. But when you fall off a horse, it's best to get right back on and not dilly dally.) And just to be clear, while it appears that this is my stage, I never start my posts with an agenda. I simply sit down, see what shows up and we meet it together.

As I start using my fingers, my mind, heart, and spirit co-mingle and lead me down a path to a place where, I think, my higher self wants me to go. I ground myself in the landscape, in a memory, in a not too far off conversation... then dig a little deeper, then look for my edges. An edge hasn't been fully examined with a friend over the phone or under the seagrapes on a beach blanket with my husband. An edge may make your heart skip or a tear fall. It's the closet that you don't want to enter and the kitchen drawer that holds everything from rubber bands to last year's Christmas cards. The first thing you feel when you meet that edge is resistance- be it in a yoga pose or a hard conversation. There's that space of consideration- can I do this?

Mundane or revelatory, as soon as I hit the "Publish"button at the top of my screen, it's been decided. I can brave the silence, the questions, the cyber-world of unknowns and the repercussions of being acknowledged or misunderstood. I've created something and I've let it go, kind of like the waning moon. Life goes dark and we begin again.

With love,

St. Sunshine


1 Comment

Mar 03, 2022


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