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  • Danielle Holmes

new meaning

Home is a word I am playing with.

The dogs follow and noises carry.

I wonder if hermit crabs ever seek smaller shells.

I wash the laundry.

I put away the clothes and the suitcases.

I make potential plans and then stay home.

I join Snapchat to see the kids' faces.

I make a video showing Hugh how to make an arugula salad.

I send VoiceMemos of the morning rain.

I make my decaf coffee and take my supplements.

I wake early and sit on the rocks to watch the sunrise.

I talk to the kestrals, scaly-naped pigeons and pelicans who linger around our house.

I wait for words and listen to longing.

I question abundance and stretching.

I wonder when the new normal will arrive and how home will be redefined.

Sending love and hugs to all the mamas out there missing a no-longer-little-one,

St. Sunshine


1 Comment

Sep 13, 2023


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