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Danielle Holmes

Jeepers Creepers

As we meet the August heat and stillness with more resilience (last night I realized I'm one of the few of my friends who don't live in perpetual a/c) there are other things that seem to find our concrete block of a house cooler than the surrounding elements. This week alone (and it's only Wednesday) we've found a crab clinging to our sliding screen door and a decent size tarantula nesting on Elsa's pillow. These two creepers were about 6" across as they skulked across their manmade landscape (the tarantula with 8 furry legs and the crab with 10 purple/mauve shellacked ones). I have found grasshoppers cooling in the shade of the climbing spinach plant in our courtyard and we've moved two turtles out of harm's way as we pulled out of our driveway. The iguanas are abundant on our road as well, and leave this trail of almost iridescent electric green as they skedaddle across the roads with their arms in a run/crawl of permanent chatarunga. It seems as if when the water finds a flat that is hauntingly silent the critters are also called to move towards their own sense of silence and relief.

So, in the midst of what feels like a perpetual Sunday (the entire month of August, that is) I am guessing that these creatures may be trying to tell me something, encouraging me to keep a sense of optimism and acceptance as we watch the tide of Fall approaching from the horizon. The savoring of the non-doing, non-productive days as we sort-of-siesta on extra hot days is getting "old" and there is more effort involved to stall the mental lists that beckon with the looming truth of summer vacation's end. So, as I keep finding animals congregating in or near my home, I investigated what it might be that they are trying to tell me.

Crab- "You are reminded that not all paths are direct and straightforward. There are lesser known paths that will directly get you to your goal." Sometimes a sideways approach is necessary. Shift your focus to what is around you because your inner senses are trying to guide you more directly. Nourish your curiosity.

Grasshopper- "Trust that you will receive everything you need to finish your project. Let Go! Take a leap." It's not about the outcome. You have the wisdom you need. All possible outcomes will be positive.

Turtle- "Slow down! It's difficult to see all the gift on offer when you are living life in the fast lane." Pay attention to the details. Trust in the process, stay in the moment. Ground yourself.

Tarantula- "We all grow from the inside out. Time to shed that old skin!" Be patient, things are coming to fruition behind the scenes. Trust yourself.

Iguana- "Give someone a reason to rejoice today." A messenger of contentment. Shed what isn't serving you and your goals. Embrace the simple life and connect with nature. Look at things with your spiritual perspective. Worrying isn't going to solve any of your problems. Be flexible and adaptable, joyful and optimistic.

Well, that definitely resonates. Class dismissed.

(...well, almost. Are there any critters showing up for you? If yes, please share! I'd love to know. For this post I used to get my info, but I also use my Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Guidebook and other sites on the web for other occasions. I know that there are so many options and so many messages, but I also know that the one message you need to hear will show up for you if you keep looking, I promise.)


St. Sunshine



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